(Welcome to my academic homepage.) I am a graduate student at MIT; I am very fortunate to be advised by Netta Engelhardt at the Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP), and Yael Kalai at the Computer Science and AI Laboratory (CSAIL). My research interests are in theoretical high energy physics (quantum gravity), currently via applications of quantum information and complexity theory (see e.g. the "it from qubit" program). More broadly, I am a theorist interested in our understanding of the physical world via the many facets of mathematics. I completed my M.S. in Computer Science at MIT in 2021 advised by Yael Kalai and Vinod Vaikuntanathan where I worked on theoretical cryptography (here's my master's thesis).
I have been supported by an NSF fellowship and Siebel scholarship. Email: lisayang at mit dot edu |
Publications: see Google Scholar for a complete list of publications.
Relevant subsets of papers are also on INSPIRE-HEP, arXiv, and DBLP.
Per field convention, authors are listed in alphabetical order. Exceptions to this are indicated by *.
1. "Spoofing Entanglement in Holography"
Netta Engelhardt, Åsmund Folkestad, Adam Levine, Evita Verheijden, Lisa Yang. arXiv 2024.
Netta Engelhardt, Åsmund Folkestad, Adam Levine, Evita Verheijden, Lisa Yang. arXiv 2024.
- Invited seminar at Berkeley and Brandeis University.
2. "The Complexity of Learning (Pseudo)random Dynamics of Black Holes and Other Chaotic Systems"
*Lisa Yang, Netta Engelhardt. arXiv 2023.
- Invited talk at QIMG 2023 at Kyoto University.
Computer Science:
3. "Succinct Classical Verification of Quantum Computation"
James Bartusek, Yael Tauman Kalai, Alex Lombardi, Fermi Ma, Giulio Malavolta, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Thomas Vidick, Lisa Yang. CRYPTO 2022.
4. "Quantum Advantage from Any Non-Local Game"
Yael Kalai, Alex Lombardi, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Lisa Yang. STOC 2023.
- Conference talk at STOC 2023.
5. “Delegation with Updatable Unambiguous Proofs and PPAD-Hardness” (full version in my Masters thesis)
Yael Tauman Kalai, Omer Paneth, Lisa Yang. International Cryptology Conference CRYPTO 2020.
Conference talk at CRYPTO 2020.
Invited talk at Charles River Crypto Day and Cornell Crypto Seminar.
6. “How to Delegate Computations Publicly”
Yael Tauman Kalai, Omer Paneth, Lisa Yang. Symposium on Theory of Computing STOC 2019.
Conference talk at STOC 2019.
Invited talk at Simons Institute and Charles River Crypto Day.
Early (preceding) version: “On Publicly Verifiable Delegation From Standard Assumptions” ePrint 2018.
7. “The Parallel Repetition of Non-Signaling Games: Counterexamples and Dichotomy“
Justin Holmgren, Lisa Yang. Symposium on Theory of Computing STOC 2019. Quantum Information Processing QIP 2019.
- Conference talk at STOC 2019 and QIP 2019.
Early (preceding) version: “(A Counterexample to) Parallel Repetition for Non-Signaling Multi-Player Games” ECCC/ePrint 2017.
Math (during my undergraduate):
8. “The Diameter and Automorphism Group of Gelfand-Tsetlin Polytopes”
Yibo Gao, Ben Krakoff, Lisa Yang.
Discrete and Computational Geometry 62(1) 2019.
9. “Toric Mutations in the dP2 Quiver and Subgraphs of the dP2 Brane Tiling”
Yibo Gao, Zhaoqi Li, Thuy-Duong Vong, Lisa Yang.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26(2) 2019.
10. (manuscript) “Random oracles, the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy, and Constant-depth Circuits: A survey”
Andrew He, Lisa Yang. Project for MIT's Advanced Complexity Theory course 2016.
I was a teaching assistant (TA) for 6.875 Graduate Cryptography (Fall 2020), taught jointly between MIT and Berkeley.